General Regulations

  1. Respect for others: Treat classmates, Teachers and staff with kindness and courtesy.
  2. Academic Honesty: Avoid cheating, Plagiarism or any form of academic dishonesty.
  3. Attendance: Attend classes regularly and arrive on time.
  4. Dress code: Follow Guidelines regarding Appropriate attire for the school.
  5. Behavior: Maintain appropriate behavior in and out of the classroom, avoiding disruptions,
  6. Technology usage: Use electronic devices responsibly following school guidelines.
  7. Safety: Adhere to safety protocols and procedures to ensure he well - being of everyone on campus.
  8. Participation: Engage actively in classroom activities and school events.
  9. Compliance: Follow all school policies and regulations outlined in the student's handbook or code of conduct.
  10. Parent's Guideline: Parents and guardians must not visit their wards or teachers in the classrooms without the principal's permission. As far as possible, once the child comes to school, he/she should not be asked to come home on half - day leave.
  11. Regarding progress: Parents and guardians of all students should visit the school on the scheduled day to note the progress of their ward. This is compulsory.
  12. Regarding Electronics: Students are not permitted to bring mobile phones to school. Strict action will be taken against any child found in possession of a mobile phone.
  13. Behavior of students: The school reserves the right to dismiss a student whose behaviors is unsatisfactory or whose conduct is harmful to other students.
  14. Rules against the school: Bullying and the use of foul language are punishable offences, whether in or out of school. Students found using the same will be expelled.
  15. Disciple of the student: Students are prohibited from bringing any publication, reference books, CD or other storage devices like floppies, pen drives or i-pods, not relevant to academic pursuits. Violation may result in suspension.

Dressing & Appearance

  1. Uniform must always be neat and clean.
  2. Id-card must be worn at all times.
  3. Students should maintain a professional and focused learning Environment.
  4. Girls are not allowed to apply mehandi or nail polish and should not wear any kind of gold ornaments, However for girls, a pair of small ear studs is permitted.
  5. Ornaments in any form other than small earrings (by girls) should not be worn. It is not advisable to wear gold jewellery. However for girls, a pair of small ear studs is permitted. They should not wear any trinkets, chains, rings on fingers or sets of bangles.
  6. Boys are not allowed to wear earrings, chains or bracelets.
  7. Students are not allowed to report to school with religious threads tied on their wrists.
  8. Long hair must be double plaited, neatly folded and tied with black ribbons. It must be followed by all girl students in the school campus, inside the bus and outside the school campus while representing school.
  9. Colouring or bleaching of hair / fancy hair cut is not permitted.
  10. Boys should have their hair cut 1 inch above their ears. No fashionable or fancy hair cuts are permitted.
  11. Students of Class IV onwards are permitted to wear watches. However, fancy watches are not permitted.
  12. Students who wear spectacles must ensure that the frame is black in colour. Coloured and/or fancy frames will be confiscated.

Absence From School

  1. In case of absence for more than two days on medical grounds, Medical Certificate and Prescription (Photocopies) shall be attached along with application.
  2. There is no provision for half day leave, therefore students who are not well should not be sent to school even on the days of assessments. The child will be marked absent if she/he were to be taken home by parents/guardians/authorized persons during school hours, even if it were to be an assessment day.
  3. A student returning to school after suffering from an infectious or contagious disease should produce a doctor's fitness certificate permitting her/him to attend school. Students suffering from the following diseases must observe the prescribed period of quarantine before returning to school.
  4. Parents will be promptly informed in the event of serious illness or emergencies and may be requested to come to school to take their ward home, if necessary.
  5. Repeated absence without notice or explained absence without written application for more than six consecutive days renders the student liable to have her/his name struck off the rolls.
  6. All students are expected to attend school on the first day following the vacations. Absence on the day of reopening of the school will attract strict disciplinary action.
  7. It is compulsory for students to achieve 90% attendance in each term in order to be eligible to take the end-of-term assessment. This stipulation can only be relaxed on genuine medical grounds, at the sole discretion of the Principal.
  8. Absence for more than 10% of total number of working days should be avoided. On medical grounds too, a student cannot remain absent for more than 20% of total working days.
  9. Quarantine during the infectious disease should be strictly followed as below.

  • Chicken pox              Till the scabs fall completely                                          Not less than 15 days.
  • Cholera                      Till the child has completely recovered                       Not less than 15 days.

  • Measles                     Two weeks after the rash disappears                           Not less than 10 days. Mumps                       Until the swelling has gone                                           Not less than 15 days.
  • Whooping Cough     Till the doctor certifies                                                   Not less than 20 days.
  • Hepatitis                     Till the doctor certifies                                                   Not less than 20 days. 
  • Covid 19                      Till the doctor certifies                                                   Not less than 21 days. 

School Property

  1. Students must treat school property with respect and take responsibility for its upkeep. Avoid behaviors such as doing graffiti or vandalism 
  2. If you notice any damage to school property, report it to a teacher or administrator immediately.
  3. Damaging or disfiguring any school property may result in suspension / expulsion from school in addition to levy of heavy fine.
  4. Set a positive example for your peers by demonstrating respectful and responsible behavior towards school property.


  1. Students must be regular to school.
  2. The morning assembly is compulsory for all students.
  3. All students must be present in school on the first day and last day of the term.
  4. No student can leave the school premises without the permission of the Principal.
  5. Students who come to school with their escort should never leave before the escort arrives. In case of the delay, they should report to the school office.

Leave & Absence

  1. In all cases of absence, parents should make an entry in the Leave Record Section of the student's handbook, stating the reason for absence.
  2. Prior sanction should be sought from the Principal through a written application for any absence exceeding Three days.
  3. If a student leaves school after Weekly test due to one or the other reason, he/she shall be marked absent for that day. Moreover, gate pass on that day shall be issued only upto 09.30 am.
  4. Long period of absence on medical grounds should be supported by a medical certificate.