
At Rosemary School of Excellence we lay due emphasis on different activities through active participation in various clubs activities. We guide students to discover and create their own understanding. Besides academics, co scholastic activities form an integral part of the school curriculum. This aspect includes wide range of co-curricular activities.

Gardening Club

Action based activities like tree plantation, cleanliness drives both within the school campus. Grow kitchen gardens, maintain vermin-composting pits.

Eco Club

Eco Club is a platform on which we got the knowledge about environment, Eco Club in a group who works to contribute to improving environmental conditions and we offer programs & activities to encourage others to reduce pollution, plant trees and also to promote sound environmental behavior.

Reading And Drama Club

Reading club creates increased confidence in reading and in classroom activities, children feeling that reading clubs help them to improve their reading skills, and raising awareness amongst children of a wider range of written materials.

Art & Craft club 

Arts and craft activities help instill a sense of achievement and pride in children, boosting their self-confidence. The opportunity to create whatever a child desires helps foster creativity. A child will learn to make correct and effective decisions by facing and solving artistic challenges.

Math Club

The Purpose of Math Club is to develop students' level of Math skills and knowledge. ... Students will cooperatively work to complete Logic and Math Puzzles. Math Club will support classroom learning, enrich their skills with higher order thinking, and prepare students for future Math Competitions